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Your search for Sites & Attractions: Churches events, organizations and features found:
whatshot 1 special feature event 2 events place 27 places account_balance 128 venues business 2 organizations

Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter Services at The Cathedral Church
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, TheApril 13 - April 20

Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine: Visit the Cathedral
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, TheThrough February 28, 2026

Church of Mount Carmel: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Shrine of East Harlem
East Harlem (El Barrio)

Crown of Life Love Ministry
Central Harlem
Grace Congregational Church
Central Harlem
Harlem Square Missions
Hebrew Tabernacle Congregation
Washington Heights / Inwood
Interchurch Center: Treasure Room Gallery
Morningside Heights
Islamic Cultural Center of New York
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Jesus New Wine Ministry
Central Harlem
Jewish Theological Seminary
Malcolm Shabazz Mosque (Former Mosque No.7)
Central Harlem
Manhattan Grace Tabernacle
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Manhattan Pentecostal Church
Central Harlem
Mother A M E Zion Church
Central Harlem
Mount Calvary United Methodist Church (CLOSED - FOR SALE)
Central Harlem
Rocky Mount Baptist Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Saint John A M E Church
Central Harlem
Spanish Fort Washington Seventh Day Adventist Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
St. Thomas the Apostle
Central Harlem
Templo Biblico Church
Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York
Morningside Heights
Universal Hagars Spiritual Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Williams Institution C.M.E. Church
Central Harlemvenues

Abyssinian Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Advent Lutheran Church
Morningside Heights
Advent Sabbath Church
Central Harlem
All Saints Catholic Church
East Harlem (El Barrio)
AME Zion Church on the Hill
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
AME Zion Church on the Hill
Central Harlem
Antioch Baptist Church
Ascension Church
Morningside Heights
Auburn Theological Seminary
Morningside Heights
Baptist Temple Church
Central Harlem
Bethany Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Bethel Gospel Assembly
Central Harlem
Bethel Holy Church of Mt. Sinai Inc.
Washington Heights / Inwood
Blessed Trinity Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Broadway Presbyterian Church
Morningside Heights
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ
Central Harlem
Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, The
Morningside Heights
Central Baptist Church
Morningside Heights
Chabad of Harlem
Central Harlem
Church of God Manhattan
Church of Notre Dame
Morningside Heights
Church Of Our Lady Of Esperanza
Washington Heights / Inwood
Church of Saint Joseph of the Holy Family
Church of the Annunciation
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Church of the Crucifixion
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Church of the Holy Agony
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Church of the Intercession
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Church of the Master
Morningside Heights
Community Christian Church
Central Harlem
Congregation Ohab Zedek
Morningside Heights
Congregational Church of God
Washington Heights / Inwood
Convent Avenue Baptist Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Corpus Christi Church
Crenshaw Christian Center East
Morningside Heights
Day Spring Baptist Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
De Manhattan Hispanic Free Methodist Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Elmendorf Reformed Church
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church
Central Harlem
First African Methodist Episcopal Church -Bethel
Central Harlem
First AME Church: Bethel
Central Harlem
First Corinthian Baptist Church
Central Harlem
First Ebenezer Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Fort Washington Collegiate Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Friendship Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Glendale Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Grace Gospel Chapel
Central Harlem
Greater File Chapel Baptist Inc.
Washington Heights / Inwood
Greater Metropolitan Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Greater Refuge Temple
Central Harlem
Greater Zion Hill Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Haitian Congregation of Good Samaritan
Harlem Church of Christ
Central Harlem
Harlem Grace Tabernacle
Central Harlem
HIV/AIDS Ministry
Abyssinain Baptist Church
Central Harlem

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Holyrood Episcopal Church/La Iglesia de Santa Cruz
Washington Heights / Inwood
Kelly Temple Church of God In Christ
East Harlem (El Barrio)
La Hermosa Christian Church
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Macedonia Baptist Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Manhattan Baptist Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Manhattan Bible Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Memorial Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Metropolitan AME Church
Central Harlem
Metropolitan Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Metropolitan Community United Methodist Church
Central Harlem
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge State of New York
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Mount Moriah Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Mount Morris Ascension Presbyterian Church
Central Harlem
Mount Neboh Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Mount Olivet Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Mount Zion Lutheran Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
New Bethlehem Church of Christ
Central Harlem
New Covenant Life Christian Center
Central Harlem
New Light Baptist Church NY
East Harlem (El Barrio)
New Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Central Harlem
North Presbyterian Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Old Broadway Synagogue
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Our Lady Queen of Angels Roman Catholic Church
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Paradise Baptist Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Perfect Peace Ministry Youth Outreach Inc
Central Harlem
Pilgrim Cathedral of Harlem,The
Central Harlem
Riverside Cafe
Morningside Heights
Riverside Church
Morningside Heights
Riverside Church: Social Justice (Prison Ministry)
Morningside Heights
Saint Aloysius Roman Catholic Church
Central Harlem
Saint Catherine of Genoa, The Church of
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Saint Cecilia's Church
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Saint Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Saint Marks United Methodist Church
Central Harlem
Saint Mary Magdeline Orthodox Church
Washington Heights / Inwood
Saint Mary's Episcopal Church
Saint Michael's Episcopal Church
Morningside Heights
Saint Paul Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Saint Paul Community Church
Central Harlem
Saint Philip's Episcopal Church
Central Harlem
Saint Thomas Liberal Catholic Church
Central Harlem
Salem United Methodist Church
Central Harlem
Salvation and Deliverance Church
Central Harlem
Second Canaan Baptist Church
Central Harlem
Second Presbyterian
Morningside Heights
Seventh Avenue Infinity Mennonite Church
Central Harlem
Shiloh Baptist Church
Central Harlem
St Charles Borromeo Roman Catholic Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
St John Pentecostal Church
Central Harlem
St Martin's Episcopal Church
Central Harlem
St Paul's Chapel @Columbia University
Morningside Heights
St. Mark the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church
Central Harlem
St. James Presbyterian Church (USA)
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
St. John's Baptist Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
St. Paul's Chapel, The Earl Hall Center - Columbia University
Morningside Heights
St. Stephen's Church Inc.
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Sundae Sermon - Harlem
Central Harlem
The Franciscan Community Center
Morningside Heights
The Parish of Saint Charles Borromeo
Central Harlem
Travellers Rest Baptist Church
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Trinity Lutheran Church of Manhattan
Morningside Heights
Union Baptist Church
Central Harlem
United Campus Ministries: Ministry Index
Columbia University
Morningside Heights

West End Presbyterian Church
Morningside Heightsorganizations

Maranatha, a ministry of The Riverside Church
Morningside Heights