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Search Results
Your search for Kids events, organizations and features found:
whatshot 1 special feature event 6 events place 51 places account_balance 75 venues business 1 organizations

Impact Repertory Theatre is Hosting Auditions
The City College of New YorkMarch 29

Crafts on The Corner: Wallach Kids
Columbia University Manhattanville, The ForumApril 9

2nd Annual Egg Hunt @ the Mansion!
Morris-Jumel MansionApril 12

4th Annual Jackie Robinson Day Festival
Jackie Robinson ParkApril 12

2025 Police Commissioner for a Day Essay Contest is Open!!
Police Athletic League (PAL) Harlem CenterThrough April 25

HSA Summer Arts Experience
Harlem School of the Arts (HSA)July 1 - August 15

A. Philip Randolph School - P.S. 76
Central Harlem
Bloomingdale Branch
The New York Public Library
Morningside Heights

Boy's Club of New York - Jefferson Park Clubhouse
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Brotherhood/Sister Sol
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Candidate College
Children's Museum of Manhattan
Morningside Heights
Columbia Secondary School
For Math, Science& Engineering
Central Harlem

Democracy Prep Public Schools
Central Harlem
East Harlem Tutoral Program
East Harlem (El Barrio)
El Taller Latino Americano
East Harlem (El Barrio)
FC HARLEM L.I.O.NS ( Leaders In Our Neighborhoods)
Central Harlem
Figure Skating in Harlem, Inc
Central Harlem
Fort Washington Branch
The New York Public Library
Washington Heights / Inwood

Frederick Douglass Academy
Central Harlem
George Bruce Branch
The New York Public Library

Get Healthy Harlem - Fitness Events
Central Harlem
Glicker-Milstein Theatre
Morningside Heights
Grandma's Place
Central Harlem
Hamilton Grange Branch The New York Public Library
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Harlem Branch
The New York Public Library
Central Harlem

Harlem Little League
Central Harlem
Harlem Renaisance High School
Central Harlem
Harlem River Ecology Center
Washington Heights / Inwood
Harlem School of the Arts (HSA)
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Harlem Tennis Center
Central Harlem
Central Harlem
IMPACT Repertory Theatre
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Inwood Branch
The New York Public Library
Washington Heights / Inwood

Maison Francaise Columbia University
Morningside Heights
Morningside Branch
The New York Public Library
Morningside Heights

Muscota New School, P.S. 314
Washington Heights / Inwood
Morningside Heights
North Meadow Recreation Center in Central Park
Morningside Heights
Operation Hope - Cyber Center
Central Harlem
Our Children's Foundation
Central Harlem
Peter Jay Sharp Boathouse
Washington Heights / Inwood
PS: 161 - Pedro Albizu Campos
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Public School 175 Henry Highland Garnet School
Central Harlem
Public School / Intermediate School 187
Hudson Cliffs
Washington Heights / Inwood

Riverbank State Park
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
East Harlem (El Barrio)
The City College of New York
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
The City College of New York - Shepard Hall
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
The Jewish Museum
Thomas Jefferson Park
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Van Cortland Park

Wadleigh Secondary School for the Performing & Visual Arts
Central Harlemvenues

103rd Street Community Garden
East Harlem (El Barrio)
125th Street Branch The New York Public Library
East Harlem (El Barrio)
92Y Uptown
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Asthma Centers
Child and Teen Health Services Directory
Central Harlem

Central Harlem
Bank Street College
Morningside Heights
Booker T. Washington- Beacon 54 School
Morningside Heights
Boys & Girls Harbor, Inc. A Place in Harlem Where Young Minds See A Future for Themselves and a
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Boys & Girls Harbor: Science & Art Charter School
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Boys & Girls Club of Harlem
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Bridge for Dance - Kim Larue / Ellen Chapelle Studios
Morningside Heights
Central Park East II Elementary School
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Central Park East School Complex
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Children's Storefront School
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Columbia University Zuckerman Institute
CUNY in the Heights
Washington Heights / Inwood
Dance Project of Washington Heights
Washington Heights / Inwood
Dance Theatre of Harlem
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
DREAM (Formerly Harlem RBI)
East Harlem (El Barrio)
DREAM Charter School
Morningside Heights
East Harlem Little League
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Emily N. Carey Harbor School
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Fresh Youth Initiatives
Washington Heights / Inwood
GG & Pop
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Gladiator Sports, Inc.
Central Harlem
Hansborough Recreation Center - NYC Parks & Recreation
Central Harlem
Harbor Science and Arts Charter School
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Harlem 4 Kids
Central Harlem
Harlem Academy
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Harlem Children's Zone, Promise Academy
Central Harlem
Harlem Junior Tennis and Education Program
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Harlem Village Academy Middle School
Central Harlem
Ice Hockey in Harlem
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Kumon Math & Reading Center of Harlem
Morningside Heights
Little Red Lighthouse
Washington Heights / Inwood
Macy Gallery, Teachers College
Morningside Heights
Minisink Townhouseof the NY Mission Society
Central Harlem
National Dance Institute Center for Learning & The Arts
Central Harlem
NBLA New Breed Life Arts & Educatioal Association, In."Education Through Martial Arts"
Central Harlem
New Heights Academy Charter School
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Opus 118, Harlem School of Music
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Orchestrating Dreams
Washington Heights / Inwood
Our Lady of Lourdes School
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Piece of Cake Parties! The Museum of the City of New York
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Pied Piper Children's Theatre of New York Citiy
Washington Heights / Inwood
Project Art | Passport to the Arts
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
PS 187 Hudson Cliffs
Washington Heights / Inwood
Public School 28
The Wright Brothers School
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill

Riverbank Ice Hockey Youth Program
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
Ruth Williams Dance Studio Celebrating 65 years of Dance Children & Adult Classes Offered
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Salvation Army Harlem Temple Worship Center
Central Harlem
Society of American Magicians -Parent Assembly #1
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Sphinx Organization
Central Harlem
St. Mark The Evangelist School
Central Harlem
Street Squash
East Harlem (El Barrio)
Sugar Hill Children's Museum of Art & Storytelling
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
TEN - Total Equity Now
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
The Dream Center
Central Harlem
Theatre [ Untitled ]
Central Harlem
Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School
Central Harlem
Touro College
Central Harlem
Uptown Dance Academy
Dance & Professional Children's Dance Theatre
East Harlem (El Barrio)

Uptown Stories
Washington Heights / Inwood
Wendy Hilliard Gymnastics Foundation
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. (WE ACT)
West Harlem / Hamilton Heights / Sugar Hill
William J. Clinton Foundation
Central Harlem
Wollman Skating Rink
World of Money