Community Board #11
East Harlem (El Barrio)
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The Community Board plays an important role in improving the quality of life for the Community, but many people don't know about them. We urge you to learn how your Community Board can help you, and how you may be able to help your Community Board.
Community Board 11 meets once each month on the third (3rd) Tuesday. At these meetings, members address items of concern to the community. Board meetings are open to the public, and a portion of each meeting is reserved for the Board to hear from members of the public. In addition, Boards regularly conduct public hearings-on the City's budget, on land use matters, and other major issues-to give the people of the community the opportunity to express their opinions.
Board Office:
Manhattan Community Board Eleven
55 East 115th Street
New York, NY 10029 - 1101
(212) 831-8929 / 8930
(212) 369-3571
Board Email:
Community Board #1155 East 115th Street
Board Office
New York, NY 10029
212-831-8929 phone
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