Artists Unite
Washington Heights / Inwood
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Artists Unite is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing quality arts programming and to helping artists of all genres collaborate on projects. The organization's aim is to increase artists' ability to make and show work and the public's ability to experience art in their lives.
Through it's work Artists Unite serves and supports the artistic community of Washington Heights-Inwood in New York City, NY. We aim to link artists of all disciplines, creating a broad-based, multi-cultural arts community, and strengthen the connection between the artists and the community. We will further develop the artistic community by providing a network of resources, artist development programs, performance and exhibition opportunities, and community-based arts initiatives. Artists Unite will encourage the creation and development of innovative, imaginative, and unconventional works while being mindful of the richness of our arts traditions. Additionally, by tapping into the wealth of talent available in Washington Heights-Inwood, we will provide a variety of easily accessible programs designed to build audiences, develop arts appreciation, and nurture creativity while addressing the complex cultural make-up of the neighborhood
Museums & Galleries Washington Heights / Inwood
Artists Unite244 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2878
c/o Peter Ferko
New York, NY 10001
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