Red Cross, JASA Kick Off Partnership to Prepare Thousands of Vulnerable New Yorkers for the Unexpected
Posted February 9, 2019

On Friday, February 8, 2019, The American Red Cross and JASA, one of New York’s largest and most trusted agencies serving 43,000 older adults in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens, kicked off a historic partnership at JASA’s new Harlem facility: the Honorable David N. & Joyce Dinkins Riverton Center, located inside the Riverton complex on 138th Street in New York. The partnership was formed to provide critical, hands-on emergency preparedness training to thousands of New York City’s older adults.
Josh Lockwood, Regional CEO, American Red Cross in Greater NY, Kathryn Haslanger, CEO, JASA, Margaret S. Chin, NYC Council Member and Chair of the Committee on Aging and David M. Pollock of the Jewish Community Relations Council welcomed the attendees and spoke of the importance of protecting our most vulnerable citizens.
“Disasters large and small take a tremendous toll on our communities but it is often the elderly who are the most impacted. That’s why it is absolutely critical for us to take the necessary steps to prepare our vulnerable neighbors and the organizations that care for them. We applaud JASA for making readiness such a priority.”
- Josh Lockwood, Regional CEO, American Red Cross in Greater NY
“JASA empowers older New Yorkers to live life on their own terms by helping them to remain safely in their homes and communities. This important partnership with the Red Cross will provide crucial, expert training so thousands of older New Yorkers are prepared to take an active role in the event of an emergency."
- Kathryn Haslanger, CEO, JASA
The event was part of the Citizen Preparedness Training, a partnership between the Red Cross and New York State providing free emergency preparedness education. The presentation is taught by Red Cross preparedness experts and provides a comprehensive overview on how to prepare for natural and man-made disasters and how to respond to and recover from them. Among the training modules are sections on preparing for hurricanes, evacuating a home fire and (added just last year) responding to an active shooter situation.
Established in 2014, Citizen Preparedness Corps has empowered more than 60,000 NYC residents with emergency preparedness skills and resources.
“We need to support our seniors in every way possible, and it is critical that all elderly New Yorkers are ready in the event of an emergency. The Council is proud to support the American Red Cross and Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) for providing these emergency preparedness programs to our seniors, and I thank them for their efforts.”
- Corey Johnson, NYC Council Speaker
“It is our City’s moral responsibility to prepare the most vulnerable communities for any emergency that may hit – be it man-made or natural disaster. Older New Yorkers stand to be the most impacted, and are oftentimes left on their own to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives. No one should have to face these tragedies alone. Thanks to the American Red Cross and Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA), our seniors will have now have a dedicated space to access the tools necessary to prepare for the next emergency.”
- Margaret S. Chin, NYC Council Member and Chair of the Committee on Aging
“I commend the American Red Cross and JASA on their collaborative effort to assist seniors throughout the district with emergency preparedness and readiness. While the possibility of impending local and natural disasters is constantly present, it remains vital that all residents are informed and aware of best practices and how to respond during critical conditions. Such training and preparation saves lives and keeps residents safe when faced with dire emergency situations that may arise in the future.”
- Rep. Adriano Espaillat (NY-13).
To learn more about the Red Cross Citizen Preparedness Training, click here.
About the American Red Cross:
The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40 percent of the nation's blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.
About JASA
JASA honors older adults as vital members of society, providing services that support aging with purpose and partnering to build strong communities. JASA serves 43,000 older New Yorkers annually through programs including home-delivered meals, affordable housing, home care, legal services, senior centers, professional conferences, and more.
Founded 50+ years ago, JASA is proud to be the go-to agency for older New Yorkers. (For more information, please visit or follow @JASASeniors on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram)
About Riverton and the Honorable David N. & Joyce Dinkins Riverton Center
Built by Metropolitan Life insurance Company in 1947, the storied Riverton complex has been home to many high-profile Harlem residents, including former NYC Mayor David N. Dinkins, and remains a bastion of affordable middle-income residential life. Recent renovations by owner A&E Real Estate in consultation with the Riverton Tenants Association include the enhancement of grounds, athletic playground spaces—and the creation of the Honorable David N. & Joyce Dinkins Riverton Center, featuring JASA programming.